Page name: Улицы Москвы rp zone [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2011-06-06 12:07:42
Last author: Cerulean Sins
Owner: Cerulean Sins
# of watchers: 5
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The Russian Watches
Улицы Москвы aka Streets of Moscow

<img400*0:stuff/Kotelincheskaya_Naberezhnaja_Moscow_hires.jpg>The Night Watch HQ

<img:stuff/moos-martin-people-outside-st-basil-s-cathedral-moscow-russia.jpg> St Basil's Cathedral

<img:stuff/moscow_kremlin.jpg>The Day Watch HQ

<img400*0:stuff/Moscow-Metro-Train.jpg>Moscow Metro Station

<img400*0:stuff/Red_Square%2c_Moscow%2c_Russia.jpg>Moscow Red Square

<img:stuff/moscow_hotel_001p.jpg>Inquisition HQ

The Other World info <--- Information on Other

The Russian Night Watch Characters<---- Good guys

The Russian Day Watch Characters <---- Bad guys

The Russian Inquisition Characters<---- Neutral Guys

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2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Night has fallen over Moscow, people are out partying since it is Friday night. The darkness of night is when the light onces of the Night Watch come out to protect people with in the treaty of the Light and Dark. What shall this night hold for the Watches??

Boris Ignatievich was in his office looking at a chess board, he couldn't help but wonder what move Zabulon will make next. He had called a staff meeting, most of his staff was here apart from a few that haven't showed up yet. He would wait for the others. He took out a fag from his jacket pocket and lit it up and he brushed the ash off his suit.

Ignat Alexandrov was chatting to one of the analytical girls, he was a natural flirt mostly because that he is an Incubus. He was wearing dark jeans, tight black t-shirt and leather jacket.

Yulia Petrova had been stuck in traffic in down town Moscow, which annoyed her to no end. She managed to get to the Night HQ, find a parking space. Once she did she started running up the ton of stairs to the top floor. She was scared inclosed spaces. She was wearing dark skinny jeans, army boots with heels on them, white tank top and her silver necklace around her neck. She had her winter jacket over her arm along with her handbag. She panted heavily once she got to the top floor."Bloody stairs..."She muttered in Russian

Arina Oksana Belikov was at the Day Watch HQ. She was wearing a short black silk dress that clung to her body like it had been painted on, making her pale skin look even more paler. She walked into Zabulon's office with five files in her hands."Here are the files you wanted, boss."She said as she closed the door of his office, she walked over to his desk and she put one red file on his desk."This file is the report of my last mission, in full destail."

Galina Rogova was at the Inquisition HQ , she had just came back from the Inquisition in Scotland. She was glad to be home in Beauitful Russia. She walked into her office to check her e-mails and messages.

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: IVan shifted and grunted as he sat up. He..prefered night time, it was much more peaceful and serene. Smiling softly, he stood up and walked to Galina's office and knocked twice, his...heart pounding with excitement that Galina was back. He had feelings for her..that when she left, he never got to express, so he saw a second chance.

2011-06-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alisa smiled as she walked into Zabulon's office she sent a quick death glare at Arina before plopping herself into his lap.

Angela nibbled on some chocolate as he went over his files.

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Get in here, Alisa, NOW." he'd snap. he was agitated...for some fucking reason. Grumbling soflty, he'd wait for his assistant to come into the office, so that he may speak with her, frankley, abut her future in this businesss.

2011-06-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alisa smiled poking his cheek "i am in here im on your lap silly"

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Arina ignored Alisa."Also here is that report you wanted off the viking vampire brothers."She put a yellow file ontop of the red one." know what? Forget it. I've got better things to do than tell you information about the Day Watch. I'll just take care of all this business myself." She sighed and walked out off the office, taking the red and yellow files with her.

"Yeah?" Galina called as she read an email.

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [Well RAWR]

He blinked an smirked looking at her. He wanted to make ARina jelaous as helll...and the way he thought to do that make himself totally unavailable. "What do you think about this?" he'd ask, showing her a photo of a beautiful lake.

Ivan stepped inside and leaned against the door. "Galina, long time partner. he'd smile softly, looking her up and down, not in that perverted manner though, just checking her out. "STill looking good as always, how was, Soccland was it?" not to pronounce it properly.

2011-06-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alisa "its nice but i want her gone" she snipped at him meaning Arina "if you wont do it i will"

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Arina sighed as she walked into her office and sat down. She put the files in her bottom draw, she checked her emails and found that there was a rogue witch on the loose."Shit..." She muttered as commented back saying that she would take care of it. Then she ran out of her office and to her car.

2011-06-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Maxim was of course in his office. Sense his divorce, the man hardly went anywhere else. He was looking over some files. He frowned a little.

Zasha opened her eyes and sat up slowly, pulling a needle out from under her skin on her thigh. She hissed a little, sense it hurt like hell.. But it was her only hope of getting out. She started picking at the lock on her wrists, smiling when it came open.

2011-06-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Bear walked in finally,"Sorry Boss, traffic is a bitch.. As usual." He plopped down,"What do we have tonight?"

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "I would dear, but she's far too useful. "he'd smirk. "This is where we're getting married, next month." he'd say placinga hand on her thigh and rubbing it softly.

Ivan waited for her answer.

2011-06-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alisa shrugged "I dont know still lusting after the whore? and i know why you're doing this so i change my mind" she smiled.

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: HE rose a brow. "Nah, I'm marrying you because I love you." he'd smirk, kissing her neck.

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Arina ran down the stairs, in 5 inch heels, she got into her car and drove like a crazy woman. She had to get to the witches place before the fucking Night watch did.

Galina shrugged."Scotland was fine."

Boris nodded a little."No worries."He said to Bear, he would have said more but Yulia came running into the board room.

"Sorry!" Yulia blurted out and her already flushed face blushed when some of the Night Watch guys started chuckling softly.

Ingat chuckled softly."Hi Yulia."

2011-06-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Anton chuckled lightly.

Alisa "stop chasing after her disease riddled ass please?"

2011-06-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Bear just smiled a little,"How're the stairs dear?" He teased lightly.

Zasha smiled a little and went to the door.. She frowned a little when she noticed the door was locked. She bit her lip and closed her eyes,"Please unlock." She whispered, when it did, she smiled a little.

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "GAlina, how long have we known one another" he'd ask, canting his head to the side. He had...forgotten?

"I'd only do that after she gave me what I wanted, a blow job and a nice fuck." he'd smirk looking at her. "But I have you for all that."

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Arina got to the witches house, she bust down the door."Rosa! I know your here!" She yelled as she spelled the house, so that no Other got get out. She searched the house and found Rosa, an old woman, hiding in her closet."Your a disgrace against all witches."She sneered and pulled the old woman out by her hair and dragged her out of the house as she unspells the house. She shoved the old lady into the back of her car, then she knocked her out. She drove her car back to the Day Watch HQ in Twilight.

Yulia playfully punched Bear's arm."Meany."She pouted as she sat next to him.

"Awww how cute."Ingat chuckled as he looked at Yulia.

Galina shrugged."Couple of years, why?"She was still reading her email, it was a very bad habit she had.

2011-06-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alisa laid her head on his shoulder "she's nothing but some slut dear" she smiled a little "guess what?"

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "I was wondering....ya know, if you'd like to go to dinner." he'd ask.

He rose a brow. "What? I just fucked you five hours ago dear...." he'd grumble rolling his eyes. He wasn' the mood to fuck, well...if it was Arina, he'd fuck the shit out of her.

2011-06-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Bear grinned a little,"What?" He rubbed his arm,"We want to keep them in good order, but no one else goes down 'em.."

Zasha smirked a little and walked down the hall quickly and quietly.

2011-06-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alisa frowned getting up "fine go fuck your little whore but the next time you see her she'll be impaled to a damn wall" she snipped and bolted from the room trying to compose herself her emotions had been up and down for a few days really just all over the place.

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: "Why?"Galina asked, still reading the email.

Arina parked her car in the Day Watch parking lot. She got out of car, she pulled Rosa over her shoulder as she came out of Twilight. She walked into the building and she got stares off people."Rogue."That was all she had to say to them as she got into the lift.

Yulia fake sniffled, she looked like she might cry but it was all an act."So mean...."

Ingat couldn;t help it but he laughed because he found Yulia so damn cute and funny.

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He sighed softly and looked down. "Because Galina...I like you, and I'd like to have a date." he'd say.

Zab stood up and followed her. she,...had been acting very peculiar lately, so he went to see what was wrong, maybe she did...need to get laid again....unwind her.

2011-06-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alisa didnt go far just down the hall a bit and she sat on the floor leaning against the wall.

2011-06-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Bear just laughed, knowing it was an act... Or at least by now he did. For the first couple years he was sure she was going to cry.. He looked at Borris,"So, what's up Boss?"

Zasha smiled a little, going to a storage room.. She would climb up into the ceiling, then to a place that would lead to the roof... From that point she wasn't sure what would happen...She hadn't dreamt that far.

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Zab walked up to her and crossed his arms. "Fuck more do you want from me? I asked you to marry me, I dated you, I never fucked Alina, yet...but you still fucking flip out, and you won't tell me why?"

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Galina looked at him with a calm look on her face."I don't date."

Arina got out of the lift at the vampire floor. She really didn't want to walk in on Alisa and Zabulon make love. SO she walked down the hallway to the Viking Vampire's office."Hey boys."She smiled at them."Got a treat for you three."She put Rosa down on the floor."Enjoy."She closered the door and she could hear the vikings going to town on poor old Rosa. Arina laughed as she walked back to the lift.

Boris blew out the smoke from his fag."Now if your all done mucking about, we can get on with his meeting?"

"Sorry bosy."Yulia frowned.

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "do you not wish for a boyfriend, then?" he'd ask, rising a brow.

2011-06-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alisa "I know you think about it every time you look at me you're thinking about that fucking skank!! and you dont even care how i feel if you did you'd stop or get rid of her ass!" she frowned "and you want to im not fucking enough for you but fine we'll leave you alone you fucking bastard"

2011-06-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Bear nodded a little and leaned back, waiting for him to go on with the meeting.

Zasha climbed on some tables, to stacked chairs, to the tile ceiling. SHe moved on of the tiles and wrinkled her nose.

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: HE growled nad lifted her up pushing her against the wall. "ARE you not the one I bedded on your 20th birthday? when I could of had her when she was drunk as fuck? Think about this Alisa!." he'd snap at her, trying to shake some sense into her, giving up and just kissing her...takingh er right there in the middle of the hall.

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: "I destory men until they end up in a loony bin."Galina said."So no I don't want a boyfriend."

Arina rode the lift back up to her office, she had so much work to do but she might take it home with her. She got out of the lift and saw Alisa and Zabulon in the hallway, she just walked right past them, not looking at them or anything.

Boris sighed softly"Right if we're all here? We can get on. The reason I've called you all here today is because there is a rogue vampire set loose on the streets of Moscow. I want that vampire brought in so we can charge the Day Watch with a sixth dagree neglect. The vampire has killed five humans and a level 7 Light Mage in the past week. We are unsure if the vampire is male or female but Yulia you have the profile on this bastard."

2011-06-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alisa blinked but gave into him she was surprised he had ignored the word we she had said.

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He sighed and nodded. "I understand." he'd nod. "Wanna go to the pub then? check things out?"

[XD she's walking by them while he's fuckin the shit out of her D:]

2011-06-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [no they're playin monopoly xD gah get it right xD]

Alisa afterwards smiled at him "didnt you hear me say we?"

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Arina walked into her office with a small sigh. She sat down on her desk and started to do some paper work that Zabulon had to do but she did it for him because it would take years for him to get around to it. She shook her head a little. All that man cares about is power and pussy. And that will get him killed one of these days. She thought.

"Cheak what things out?"Galina asked.

2011-06-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Bear frowned a little, he was hoping they could catch the bastard before the stupid Day Watch caught on.. They'd been able to do that more lately, and it was beginning to annoy him.

Zashe bit her lip a little when she herd the sirens. She closed the tile and crawled carefully, trying to ignore all the spider webs she went through. She finally found the door leading to the roof and tried to push it open.

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "A night on the town? Have a few pints?"

"W...what do you man, we?"

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Ingat frowned."Stupid vamps."He muttered.

"I am glad that you all understand the importance of that information but we will talk about it more at the end of the meeting. I have far more important things. The girls down in analytical have found illegal misuse of magic being used at the hosptial. We think this person could be a level 2 or 1 scorceress or mage. I need a small time to check it out before Zabulon sents his pawns in. Am I understood?"Boris said and he put out his cig.

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: "Why?"Galina asked.

2011-06-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alisa "zabulon are you listening to me?"

2011-06-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Bear nodded a little,"You want one of us to stand outside the hospital? Make sure none of the idiots get in until you can check it out?"

Zasha whimpered, praying and hoping it would open as she keptpushing against it.

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: "Yeah I do but I want Ingat to go."Boris said."I want you and Yulia to go after this vampire."

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "To...have fun?" he'd ask.

"Yes, and I asked, who's we?"

2011-06-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Bear nodded and looked at Yulia, "I suppose there's no convincing you not to walk down the stairs, is there..?"

2011-06-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alisa smiled "do you like angel or willow for a girl's name?" she hinted to him.

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Trying to change your name? Let's go with Willow."

2011-06-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alisa shook her head "no well Angela not Angel" she smiled "not for me the other part of we"

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He blinked and thought for a moment then looked down, then up at her. " long?"

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: "I don't do fun."Galina said.

"No on your life, Teddy bear."Yulia grinned at him.

Arina sighed, she picked up her all paper work and shoved it into her work bag. She pulled on her fur jacket and picked up her handbag and her work bag and she left her office. She walked down the hallway and she pressed the button for the lift, waiting for it. She just ignored them.

2011-06-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Bear sighed a little and pretended to beat his head against the table. Then he looked up, all seriousness again,"We done Boss? I don't want the Vampire getting anyone else.."

Zasha kept pushing and pleading..Her shoulder hurt now and she was panicking.

2011-06-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alisa "ive known for a week"

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: "yeah yeah on you go. Yulia will give you the profile she made up while you walk down ten flies of stairs."He chuckled.

Yulia smiled and stood up, she pulled on her jacket and she grabbed her hand bag.

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Arina pulled her work bag over her shoudler as she waited for the stupid lift, still not looking at Alisa and Zabulon.

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smirked.

IVan nodded. "OKay then."

2011-06-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "Oh goody!" Bear said, thick with sarcasm, then he stood and pulled on his jacket and smiled at Yulia,"Come on, we might get there by tomorrow.."

Zasha finally got it open with a burst of power and she sighed in relief.

2011-06-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alisa "i know i should have said something before but sometimes i dont think you really care"

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "an heir to my throne? I do care."

2011-06-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alisa "is that all she is to you?" she frowned.

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: "Hey Arina!" Dim called to her.

Arina looked over at the young mage."Hey Dim."She walked over to him then she listened to his problem and it was a problem that Zabulon should take care of but...Zabulon was busy so she would take of it."What? You found a newbie? I'm glad you told me first. I'll look into it." She smiled at him.

"Cheers, Arina."Dim relaxed and smiled back then he walked back to his office.

Arina started to back to the lift when someone else came up to her. She was really running the whole Day Watch when it was ment to be Zabulon's job."Yeah I'll sign off this report, Mari." She said as she took the file then she started to walk back to her office.

Yulia chuckled as she walked out of the board room.

Galina nodded and looked back at her computer.

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He kissed her lips. "And my daugher.:

IVan stepped out.

2011-06-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alisa kissed back "oh and for a warning you ever make another pass at Arina or try and use to me to get to her you will never see your daughter and i'll castrate you" she smirked "I mean it"

Angel walked out of his office and groaned "really? get a room you two"

2011-06-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Bear smiled a little and walked with her, down all the stairs..

Zasha sighed a little and looked around, trying to find a way down the wall of the tall building.

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smiled softly. "Done."

2011-06-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alisa kissed him then giggled at Angel "oh look the newbie is getting bold"

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Yulia walked down all the stairs with Bear, telling him about the profile."Right we're looking for a newly turned vampire. From the bite marks on the vics it seems that this vampire was completely out of comtrol and very hungry. It was purely random attack because we checked if the vics have came in contact with a vampire in the past two weeks. So we're looking for a male vampire, about 6'5, weights 180 pounds and I'm sure he's not worried about normal people knowning what he is. We're sure that his vampire was turned against his will and he doesn't know anything about the treaty."

Arina walked into her office, put the file on her desk, put the bags on the floor and she took off her fur jacket. She walked out of her office."Zabulon! I really hate to interup you and Alisa but I have some very important news for you." She said looking at them as she walked up to them.

2011-06-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Angel looked at Arina "good luck on that one"

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: HE glared at Angel. "Angel, go uck a light socket."

2011-06-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Angel smirked "gonna make me?"

2011-06-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Bear nodded a bit,"Wonderful... Sure does sound like neglect on their part to me..>Even if we can't catch the bastard, we'd be able to get them a penalty on how many have been killed.."

Zasha looked around and smiled a little, finding a pipe to climb down.

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: HE glared at him. "Yes, I could.."

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: "Zabulon!"Arina snapped at him as she glared."Would you please take some interste in your own compant instead of me running it?!" She snarled at him. Her black hair fanned around her ivory skin, her brown eyes where shinning with anger at him for being a proper boss.

2011-06-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Angel crossed his arms "you dont scare me"

2011-06-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alisa "he's busy if you cant tell you slut"

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: "The penalty will be death."Yulia said as she walked into the car park.

Ingat made his way to the hosptial.

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Arina looked at Alisa and laughed at her."Oh honey don't even try it because I'll just laugh at you some more."

2011-06-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alisa slipped her arms around Zabulon.

Angel stepped back into his room shutting his door he grew tired of everyone here at the day watch he'd thought about changing over but he was pretty sure the other side would crucify him.

2011-06-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Bear nodded a little,"I figured as much.." He sighed a little and checked that he had enough weapons on him.

Zasha was running across the huge lawn, hoping to get away before the dogs caught her scent.

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Bugger off."

2011-06-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alisa laid her head on his chest just under his chest.

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smiled nd got dressed.

2011-06-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alisa put her clothes back on she put her arm around Zabulon's.

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: "You armored to the teeth, teddy bear?"Yulia grinned.

"Thats it! I am sick and tired of putting up with you Zabulon. You are nothing but a whiney little brat who will pout when he doesn't get what he wants. Your lazy son of a bitch, you do no work around here. I am the one that has to work her ass off just to get this place going. I do everything and you just sit there doing nothing. So I quit!" She walked back to her office and got her stuff. She poured all the files and papers over him and Alisa."here is all the fucking work you need to do. Enjoy you fucking ass!" She pulled on her fur jacket.

2011-06-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Bear smiled a little and nodded,"Yup. I'm prepared."

Zasha let out a scream when her arm was grabbed.

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: IVan roamed the halls, bored as sshit

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Zab took her to his foffice.

2011-06-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alisa smiled brightly.

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: "Good."Yulia smiled as she got into her car.

Ingat parked his car and got out when he heard Zasha scream.

Arina walked down the stairs and to her car."Fuck the Day watch."She said as she got into her car. She was glad to be rid of the place. She drove to her home.

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: [I love how Arina is just getting ignored lol XD]

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [Wtf am I suppoosed to post! someone post to her, use angel!]

He smirked.

2011-06-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Bear got into the passnger seat.. Traffic was hell as it was, plus they needed to stay together on this one..

Zasha was surrounded by several doctors, all who were suddenly shoved back by a wave of power. She started running again.

2011-06-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [Hello, she just threw a bunch of files on you dork, maybe you should respond to that?]

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: [Arina was just slagging Zabulon to hell and he didn't comment to it. This was the comment hun : "Thats it! I am sick and tired of putting up with you Zabulon. You are nothing but a whiney little brat who will pout when he doesn't get what he wants. Your lazy son of a bitch, you do no work around here. I am the one that has to work her ass off just to get this place going. I do everything and you just sit there doing nothing. So I quit!" She walked back to her office and got her stuff. She poured all the files and papers over him and Alisa."here is all the fucking work you need to do. Enjoy you fucking ass!" She pulled on her fur jacket.
"You armored to the teeth, teddy bear?"Yulia grinned. "Thats it! I am sick and tired of putting up with you Zabulon. You are nothing but a whiney little brat who will pout when he doesn't get what he wants. Your lazy son of a bitch, you do no work around here. I am the one that has to work her ass off just to get this place going. I do everything and you just sit there doing nothing. So I quit!" She walked back to her office and got her stuff. She poured all the files and papers over him and Alisa."here is all the fucking work you need to do. Enjoy you fucking ass!" She pulled on her fur jacket. 

"Time to go into Twilight." Yulia said as she herself went into Twilight.

Ingat was in Twilight himself as he ran over to Zasha.

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [ohshi?]

He blinked not really payign attentin then cahsed after he. "OI Get your ass back here Arina!"

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Arina walked down the stairs and to her car."Fuck the Day watch."She said as she got into her car. She was glad to be rid of the place. She drove to her home.

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He got his his car and followed her >>

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [Sorry haven't slept yet!]

2011-06-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Zasha topped when she saw Ingat,"Your new.." She muttered before running from him too.

Bear went into the twilight, looking around.

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: [it's okay but your character is in his office with Alisa lol]

Arina parked her car outside her house, she got out and walked up to her house. She unlocked the door, walked in and closed and locked the door."Free of that hell hole. No more work. No more putting up with Zabulon's sexual comments." She walked to the kitchen.

"Hey! Your can see me?!" he called as he ran after her.

Yulia drove like a crazy woman.

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He pulled up b ehind her. "Hey sexy ass." he'd call out.

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Arina's right eye twiched when she heard his voice. Fucker. She thought as she poured herself a glass of wine.

2011-06-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Bear gripped the door, forgetting how crazy she drove.

Zasha stopped, the doctors were far enough away for her to feel comfortable..They were struggling with sedatives...And getting up, some of them had been hurt by the blast of energy. She whimpered softly,"Not again..." She looked at him,"What do you mean..?"

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: HE sighed and moved to see her. "I'm sorry...I just got some news that juts threw me full a loop, what do you need?"

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Arina looked out the window and gave him the finger."I don't work for you anymore. I quit, remember? So get the fuck off my land!" She snapped.

Ingat pulled her into his arms."You are Other."He smiled at her softly."I'm not going to hurt you, honey. But I will help you."

Yulia stopped the car when she got the warehouse district, she got out."This is where the last few killing took last."

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Just come the fuck back, I just found out Alisa's pregnant."

2011-06-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Bear nodded a little, scanning the area for any movement.

Zasha looked at him,"They always say that.." She said timidly, looking past him to the doctors.

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Arina shrugged."So?"She sipped her wine."And I'm meant to care about some bitch that hates me over nothing?" She rolled her eyes."No way am going back to running that company."

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: "Yeah I know but I really mean it."Ingat said softly.

Yulia pulled out her Browning .9mm with UV bullets.

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "You'll come back...please?"

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: "Fuck you."Arina glared at him."I won't go back to that place. I refuse to mostly because your a shitty boss. You do nothing, not a damned thing because your fucking busy focusing in pussy. Your lazy son of a bitch, you do no work around here. I am the one that has to work her ass off just to get this place going. I do everything and you just sit there doing nothing."

2011-06-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "Ok... But I;ll escape again if you lock me up." Zasha said.

Bear shape shifted, sniffing around.. He could smell blood and such better this way.

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "I'm planning a fuckin wedding, gimmie god damn break, just come back and shit will be different, I promise."

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: "I would never dream of locking you up, darling."Ingat smiled.

"Smell anything?" Yulia asked him as she looked at him.

"I've been running your fucking company from the moment I started working for you. Thats a long fucking time to plan a fucking wedding."Arina threw the wine glass at the open window.

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He dodged it. "This company is nothing without you, please...come back, I promise I'll start doign work..and I'll triple your salery.

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: "I've been working for you for over a 100 years, that is how long I have been putting up with you lazyness and you thing money can stole it?! You are more stupid than I thought!"Arina was shaking with rage.

2011-06-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Zasha nodded a little,"Ok, just get me out of here.."

Bear nodded and grunted, walking toward the smell of blood.

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: "I swear."Ingat smiled as he took her into Twilight and the world just looked greyish blue.

Yulia nodded and followed him, with her gun in a two hand grip.

2011-06-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Xasha looked around,"Wow...I really am nuts...Certainly a better dream then before..Least this time there's a hot guy." She muttered, now convinced that this was a dream.

Bear found the blood, and a trail leading to the vampire.

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Ingat smiled."Well I'm glad you think am hot. Now come on, darling."He walked with her to his car.

Yulia followed the trail of blood.

2011-06-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Zasha blushed a little, but frowned,"Why am I blushing, just a dream, not like you excist." She walked with him though.

Bear growled a little as they got close.

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: "Darling, I'm real alright."Ignat said as he opened the car door for her.

Yulia licked her lips, she hated to fight but it had to be done.

2011-06-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Zasha looked at him,"Prove it then..." Though she wasn't sure how he'd do that..

Bear went foward, drawing the vampire out.

2011-06-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alisa frowned a little.

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Just fucking come back, do I have to beg?"

2011-06-08 [Cerulean Sins]: Ignat kissed her cheek and poped her into his car then he got into the car himself.

Yulia tryed not to throw up, she had done that once and none of the guys let her life it down. She saw that the vampire was gutting the poor human female.

2011-06-08 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "That's not prooving it."Zasha said stubbornly, pouting a little.

Bear attacked the vampires back, a huge polar bear that he dropped.

2011-06-20 [Cerulean Sins]: Ignat smiled at her."Darling I could prove an real in so many way but not right now. Maybe later."He winked at her then he started to drive back to the Night Watch HQ.

"Night Watch! Stand down!"Yulia shouted then sighed."Fuck..."She muttered when the vampire started to attack.

The Vampire beared it's fangs at Bear then he moved out of Bear's way and ran over to YUlia."Come here pretty girl..."He said with a hiss.

Arina."I will never come back. And I hope you enjoy your huge work load you need to do as well as keep all your staff there." She said.

2011-06-20 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Bear didn't make a sound as he came up behind the vampire at a trot, only letting out a roar when he went after his legs.

Zasha rolled her eyes a little,"Right.."

2011-06-20 [Cerulean Sins]: Yulia jumped back when the vampire fell to the ground with a grunt then curse a ton in Russian. She pointed her gun at his head."Your punishment is death."She said coldly then she shot the vampire in the head. Then she ran for cover because Vampire always burst into flames when they die.

"Why do you think your dreaming, darling?" Ingat asked.

2011-06-20 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Bear went and shielded her once they were under cover, he grunted a bit.

"Because, that's all I get to do. I'm not allowed out of my room, and not often off of sedatives...Idtiots probably gave me too much again and that's why this is so vivid." She nodded a little.

2011-06-20 [Cerulean Sins]: Yulia finally opened her eyes and looked up at Bear."You okay?"

Ingat pitched her arm gently."I just proved that am real and that your not dreaming, darling."

2011-06-20 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Bear grunted a little with a nod of his big head.

Zasha yelpsed and held her arm,"Geez!" She punched him, but it wasn't much.

2011-06-21 [Cerulean Sins]: "You can shift back now, Bear."Yulia said softly as she puts the safety clip on her gun on.

Ingat smiled a little."See? I'm real thus making all this real, sunshine."

2011-06-21 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Bear shifted back and grinned,"No fun though..."

Zasha stared at him,"I think I'm gonna puke..." She whispered

2011-06-24 [Cerulean Sins]: Yulia smiled at him and she handed him the backpack."Put some clothes on." She said as she stood up and looked anywhere but at Bear. Sadly shifting into an animal means you lose your clothes.

"Not on my baby."Ingat said and he opened up the dash bored and he handed her a paper bag."Here be sick in this."

2011-06-24 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "Aww, you don't want me walking around butt naked?" Bear teased... What, he was proud of his body....>.<

Zasha took the bag but didn't puke, thankfully.... She just passed the hell out...She was out cold.

2011-06-24 [Cerulean Sins]: Yulia giggled and shook her head.

Ingat frowned when she passed out but thankfully they pulled up to the Night Watch HQ. He got her out of her car and carried her up his office. He layed her gently on his crean coloured sofa in his office.

2011-06-24 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Bear finished dressing and tapped her shoulder

Zasha started to come to when they got to his office

2011-06-25 [Cerulean Sins]: "Are you fully clothed, Bear?"Yulia giggled.

Ingat sat down his office chair, waiting for her to wake up.

2011-06-25 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Bear chuckled softly,"I swear it."

Zasha slowly blinked her eyes, sitting up

2011-06-25 [Cerulean Sins]: "You better be."Yulia giggled as she turned around."Oh good you are dressed." She smiled.

Ingat smiled at her."You hungry?"

2011-06-25 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Bear chuckled softly," Why do you say that like you doubted me?"

Zasha nodded a little

2011-06-26 [Cerulean Sins]: Yulia shrugged."Cause your a guy."She said simply as she walked to the car.

Ingat nodded."is take out okay for you?" He asked as he picked up the phone."Pizza? Chinese food?"

2011-06-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Bear laughed at that, "That's harsh but very true.."

"I haven't had either sense I was like... Six.." Zasha shrugged a little.

2011-06-27 [Cerulean Sins]: Yulia chuckled as she got into the car."Come on Bear we'd best report back to the boss."

Ingat nodded."So both pizza and Chinese food. What would you like?"

2011-06-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Bear nodded a little and smiled, getting in the car

Zasha shrugged, "Preferably something that doesn't jiggle when you poke it..."

2011-06-27 [Cerulean Sins]: Yulia started the car and drove to the Night Watch HQ.

Ingat chuckled and nodded."Got it." He dialed the number for the pizza place and ordered one large pizza with everything on it then he called the Chinese place and asked for chicken chow main, fired rice, lemon chicken and some other stuff too.

2011-06-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Zasha smiled a little "That's a lot of food..."

2011-06-27 [Cerulean Sins]: Ingat looked at Zasha when he finished making the orders."Well your hungry and I'm hungry. And I eat like a horse, most of the women in this business call me the black hole."He chuckled.

2011-06-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Zasha nodded a little,"True I guess?"

Bear watched out the window.

2011-06-27 [Cerulean Sins]: Ingat nodded."So very true. Now I need you to listen to me, sweetheart. Cause what am going to tell you...well you won't believe me."

"hey Bear have you noticed that the Day Night have been losing control lately?"Yulia asked as she drove.

2011-06-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Zasha sighed a little, grabbing the trashcan and sitting down,"Alright, go for it..."

Bear nodded a little,"Yeah they have been..."

2011-06-27 [Cerulean Sins]: Ingat explained to her about the Other World, it's history, it's races, the Twilight, The Inquisition, Light Ones & Dark Ones.

"I wonder what the fuck is up with Zabulon these days. Normally he would be all up in our faces and everything."

2011-06-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Zasha just stared at him, "Holy..."

"Too busy chasing what he can't have.."

2011-06-27 [Cerulean Sins]: "Yeah I know."Ingat said.

Yulia frowned."Huh?"

2011-06-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Zasha set the pail down and held her head for a moment.

"There's a particular employee who he's been trying to get..."Bear shook his head a little,"Not happening though.."

2011-06-27 [Cerulean Sins]: Ingat's phone rang, he answered it."Ello? Yeah I'll be down for the food, Mini." He looked at zasha as he hanged up."Our food is here, so I'll be right back,okay?" He stood up.

Yulia thought about it."You mean the woman he has been trying to get is Arina Oksana Belikov?"

2011-06-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "Ok.." Zasha said quietly..

"Yup." Bear snorted a little.

2011-06-28 [Cerulean Sins]: Ingat strutted out of the room and down to the main floor for the food.

"Oh good luck to him."Yulia laughed.

2011-06-28 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Zasha watched him and shook her head a little at his strut..

Bear chuckled softly,"He has less of a chance with her then I do."

2011-06-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Ingat soon came back with the food and a two bottles of coke. He layed it all out on the coffee table."Enjoy."He smiled.

Yulia chuckled and nodded."So true."

2011-06-29 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Zasha smiled a little,"Thanks..."

Bear smiled a little

2011-06-29 [Cerulean Sins]: "your welcome."ingat said as he handed her some chicken chow main.

Yulia pulled up to the Night Watch HQ parking lot.

2011-06-29 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Zasha took it and took a careful bite.

Bear got out and took a look around.

2011-06-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Ingat took some lemon chicken and sighed with happiness.

Yulia got out of the car, locked it and she started to walk to the mental door which aloud them into the building."Come on Bear."

2011-06-29 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Zasha giggled a little.

Bear smiled a little and fallowed her, "Coming dear."

2011-06-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Ingat chew the wonderful food then swallowed as he raises an eyebrow at Zasha.

Yulia laughed as she shook her head."You made that sound like we're an old married couple."

2011-06-29 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Zasha watched him, and smiled a bit "You look like you enjoy that more then sex." She teased.

Bear grinned a little,"Well... When we're old and grey we'll see where we are.." He joked, poking her sides.

2011-06-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Ingat chuckled."I have three loves in my life, food, sex and my job. I normally do like the first two put together at times."

Yulia eeped and turned around and smacked his arm."Your mean!"She pouted.

2011-06-30 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Zasha raised a brow and chuckled softly, shaking her head a little. She went back to eating.

Bear flinched a little, then smiled a little,"I'm sorry..?"

2011-06-30 [Cerulean Sins]: Ingat smiled a little and he went back to eating."So how long have you been in that Hospital?"

Yulia held her arms out."Cuddles to make me feel better or I will start crying."

2011-07-03 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "Well..." Zasha frowned a little,"I was permanetly admitted into the hospital, I think I was eight maybe younger, maybe older?" She shrugged a little and sighed, "Parents stopped visiting a few years after..." She of course, had no idea they were dead...

Bear pulled her into one of his famous hugs

2011-07-04 [Cerulean Sins]: Ingat nodded."Sorry that must suck."

"Yay cuddles."Yulia giggled as she cuddled him.

2011-07-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Zasha nodded a little,"It's not so bad when it's all you know.."

Bear chuckled, cuddling back.

2011-07-05 [Cerulean Sins]: Ingat nodded."True. But you do know that you have a new life now, right?"

"Your comfy. I wish you where a pillow or a bed or a sofa just so I could fall asleep."Yulia chuckled.

2011-07-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Zasha frowned a little, looking at her food, "I keep on thinking I'm going to wake up any minute now.."

Bear chuckled softly,"Well, if I shifted I could be."

2011-07-05 [Cerulean Sins]: Ingat put his food on the coffee table."Zasha, your not dreaming. This is all real. But I know it's going to be hard to adjust to this new life but I'll be here for you, helping you every step of the way."He smiled.

Yulia grinned up at him then she shook her head."Don't tempt me, Mister!" She giggled and pulled back.

2011-07-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Zasha looked up at him, guarded suspicion in her eyes,"Why do you want to help me?"

Bear chuckled softly and walked to the door, opening it for her.

2011-07-05 [Cerulean Sins]: Ingat sighed and leaned back on his chair."My boss asked me to find you before the Day Watch did. If your good then your on the Night Watches side, my side....but if your evil then you belong to the Day Watch. But even if you belong with the day Watch I'll still hang with you and look out for you."

"Such a gentleman."Yulia smiled at Bear as she walked through the door way.

2011-07-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Zasha frowned a little, "I don't think I'm evil...."

Bear chuckled softly. "My mother would have my head if I wasn't"

2011-07-05 [Cerulean Sins]: "Personal I don't think your evil either. But did you know that, Light Others translating more accurately to "Selfless" than "Good", believe it is their duty to help the weak and the helpless.Light Others often have little choice in their actions, forced to act for the sake of greater good.They cannot lie outright, although they can conceal information and manipulate the truth.Light Others also have a kind of "fail-safe" mechanism: if a Light Other cannot justify his actions to himself, he instantly disappears, banished forever in the Gloom. Dark Others translating more accurately to "Selfish" than "Evil" believe they should be allowed to do whatever they like, regardless of morality and ethics."

Yulia nodded."So true but your mum dose make the best cookies I have ever tastes." She smiled.

2011-07-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Zasha frowned a little,"Then I don't know.. I really want to sit down and see what happened to all of my favorite shows...and just eat and eat... But that's selfish isn't it?"

Bear nodded,"Yes, yes she does..."

2011-07-05 [Cerulean Sins]: "No. I do that when I'm not in the office working or out on some job."Ingat said.

Yulia snapped her fingers."Remind me to give your mum the tupperware box she gave me last week." Bear's mum had given Yulia a tupperware box filled with different kinds of treats.

2011-07-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Zasha nodded a little and frowned, trying to think weather she was selfish or not..

Bear opened his mouth to remind her right then and there to be sarcastic but thought better of it.

2011-07-05 [Cerulean Sins]: Ingat picked up his food and started to eat again.

Yulia walked to Boris's office, she knocked on the door.

"Come in."Boris called, not looking up from his paper work.

2011-07-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Zasha went back to eating.

Bear walked with her, opening the door when Boris answere

2011-07-05 [Cerulean Sins]: Ingat sipped his pop."So once we've finished our food, I'll let you meet my boss."

Yulia walked into Boris's office."Hey Boss-man. The vamp is nothing but ash."She smiled.

2011-07-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Zasha smiled a little and nodded, "Alright."

Bear smiled a little, "Yup."

2011-07-05 [Cerulean Sins]: Ingat nodded with a smile.

Boris looked up from his paperwork."Good. How did it go?"

2012-06-26 [Cerulean Sins]:

Night has fallen over Moscow, people are out partying since it is Friday night. The darkness of night is when the light onces of the Night Watch come out to protect people with in the treaty of the Light and Dark. What shall this night hold for the Watches??

Boris Ignatievich was in his office looking at a chess board, he couldn't help but wonder what move Zabulon will make next. He took out a cigar from his jacket pocket and lit it up and he brushed the ash off his suit as he reads over report from his employees.

Ignat Alexandrov was chatting to one of the analytical girls, he was a natural flirt mostly because that he is an Incubus. He was wearing dark jeans, tight black t-shirt and leather jacket.

Yulia Petrova had been stuck in traffic in down town Moscow, which annoyed her to no end. She managed to get to the Night HQ, find a parking space. Once she did she started running up the ton of stairs to the top floor. She was scared inclosed spaces which is why she took the stairs. She was wearing dark skinny jeans, army boots with heels on them, white tank top and her silver necklace around her neck. She had her winter jacket over her arm along with her handbag. She panted heavily once she got to the top floor."Bloody stairs..."She muttered in Russian

Arina Oksana Belikov was at the Day Watch HQ. She was wearing a short black silk dress that clung to her body like it had been painted on, making her pale skin look even more paler. Since her boss hardly did anything at the Day Watch HQ she was busy signing off reports while checking her emails and sending out assignments.

Galina Rogova was at the Inquisition HQ , she had just came back from the Inquisition in England. She was glad to be home in Beauitful Russia. She walked into her office to check her e-mails and messages.

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